Assessment for the first half of M3NIR project implementation takes place in Athens

Assessment for the first half of M3NIR project implementation takes place in Athens

We are pleased to share, that the M3NIR second General Meeting is taking place on 21st and 22nd
June in Athens. The meeting marks an important milestone as we take stock of the progress made
during the first half year of project implementation and set plans for the forthcoming 6 months.
During the event, M3NIR consortium partners gathered to reflect upon the achievements,
challenges, and valuable lessons learned thus far. The meeting provides a platform for an open
discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among the diverse range of experts within our
consortium. It also brings valuable insights to optimize our strategies and enhance the overall impact
of the project.
By coming together in person, partners have better chances to unify visions towards the
requirements and specifications in various project use cases, architecture of the sensory systems,
design aspects of different modules of M3NIR platform, fabrication perspectives of modular
M3NIR express gratitude to all participants and partners for their valuable contributions. Special
thanks deserve National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) for hosting the event and
Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum (IMEC) for coordination.
Together we are making an impact in the field of research and innovation.

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